The many benefits of Pilates
Each Pilates exercise is built around eight basic principals. These include Relaxation, Alignment, Co-ordination, Concentration, Stamina, Breathing, Centering and Flowing movements.
What makes Pilates so good?
Pilates creates an overall awareness of the body and the benefits can be taken into everyday life enabling us to move freely once again without pain or tension. After doing Pilates for a certain time, a student will notice improved posture and alignment.
Pilates can be undertaken by anyone, of any age or any ability. No matter what physical condition you may have, whether you be a first time exerciser to a top athlete, or a sufferer of back, hip or neck problems, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis or a pregnant women – anyone can do Pilates (under expert guidance). Many people suffering with remedial problems tend to find themselves pain free once beginning Pilates.
Pilates creates a strong core
By working on the deep structure of the body, core stability is able to be achieved and maintained by increasing to complex movement sequences. The body in turn, becomes long, lean and strong, slender - but with a hidden strength under a healthy muscle tone.
Pilates retrains the body to work efficiently with minimal effort or tension. Stamina and co-ordination is improved. The body obtains perfect balance and alignment, and as the immune system is stimulated, the level of general health often increases as the internal organs are then able to sit and function correctly.
What is Core Stability?
Core stability is concerned with the ability to control the position and movement of the central portion of the body. Core stability exercises target the muscles deep within the abdomen which connect to the spine, pelvis and shoulders, which assist in the maintenance of good posture and provide the foundation for all arm and leg movements. These include your Abdominals (deep seated stomach muscles), Erector Spinae & Multifidus (deep seated muscles along the lower part of your spine), the Psoas muscle (runs from your lower spine into your inner thigh, near the groin) and your Glutes and Hamstrings (buttocks and back of your thigh).
What are the benefits of core stability training?
Great core stability can help maximise your performance in sport & exercise and can help prevent injury. As power is derived from the trunk region of the body, a properly conditioned core helps to control the power, allowing for smoother, more efficient and co-ordinated movement in the limbs.
Pilates can ease the pain
It is important to recognise that even though we may suffer one particular problem, whether it is in our spine, shoulder, neck, or legs the body needs to be looked at as a whole. A specific pain may not be the root cause of the problem, and may in actual fact be referred pain. So by doing Pilates and focussing on the body as a whole, it can eradicate pain as, as performing the exercises, the true root cause can be found.